
Evidence Based 


Ernst Seemann SRL

Brand Development & Management

Welcome to our website. It's nice and certainly no coincidence that you have found your way here. From here on we can accompany you. Ernst Seemann has evolved from my grandfather's small grocery store of the same name into a consulting boutique that can help companies and institutions send messages to achieve results. At the interface between business, politics and the public, we are experienced advisors and doers who formulate, focus on and achieve goals alongside our clients. Our services range from sales-supporting public relations, public relations, public affairs and effective advertising campaigns.

Please contact me for a personal, non-binding initial consultation.

Thomas Philipp Reiter
Managing Partner

Our services

Representation of interests

Are you looking for attention for your cause, your product or your institution from politicians, journalists or potential customers? We speak your language as well as that of your target group and translate from one to the other. We focus on Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein as well as Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.


Opinion and social research forms the basis of the scientific findings on which our consulting services are based. Through representative qualitative-quantitative surveys and analyses, we know consumer or voter behavior in the targeted areas precisely. To this end, we work closely with the renowned opinion research institute INSA Consulere.


Journalistic and publishing experience that you can benefit from leads to regular publications, print products, books and media contributions on radio and television. Whether it's a script, press release or newsletter: we write with empathy, expertise and comprehensibility. What people like to read has an impact.

Do you have a request?
Feel free to contact us

Strong brands,
that we enjoy working for